Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association
Recovery and response efforts continue across Florida, and FRLA is on the ground in Southwest Florida and also stationed at the State Emergency Operations Center as part of the Emergency Support Function 18 for Business and Industry Stabilization. We continue to assist with coordinating feeding and lodging missions for displaced residents, emergency officials, and first responders. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to participate in these efforts!
To our lodging operators, we encourage you to participate in FEMA's Transitional Sheltering Assistance/Emergency Lodging Assistance Program if you are open and able to operate. This program fills a critical need as it helps house displaced local residents in the true spirit of neighbors helping neighbors. It is an easy process to sign up to participate in this program, where qualifying displaced guests' rooms are paid 100% by FEMA. As lodging operators, you also will have the opportunity to "turn on and turn off" your participation in real time, so if you have upcoming dates that are sold out, you can opt out and then resume participation when you have availability again. Sign up here or at the button below. For additional program details, see the FAQ document below.
Also, don't forget to complete the Business Damage Assessment Survey here. Survey responses will allow the state to expedite Hurricane Ian recovery efforts by gathering data and assessing the needs of affected businesses and will aid in connecting those businesses with recovery assistance.
For FRLA Members and Stakeholders
FRLA news, resources, updates: https://frla.org/hurricane-
For Personal and Business Emergency Planning
State Division of Emergency Management planning tools: https://apps.floridadisaster.
For All Businesses
Before and after emergencies, dedicated two-way communication channel with State EOC - register, get State EOC news, and report your needs or offers of assistance: https://floridadisaster.biz/
Businesses located in Florida are also encouraged to review the Business Re-Entry Procedures and ensure that employees have the required documentation prior to the storm's arrival.
For Restaurant-specific Preparation – Always Ready Guide from the National Restaurant Association can be found here
For Lodging Operators – participate in FEMA-paid lodging for survivors – Learn more and sign up here.
Price Gouging:
Attorney General Ashley Moody has activated the price gouging hotline statewide. Floridians can now report instances of severe price increases on essential commodities needed to prepare for the storm to the Attorney General's Office. Florida’s price gouging law only applies to commodities and services essential to preparing for or recovering from a storm during a declared state of emergency. Report price gouging at 1-866-9NO-SCAM (1-866-966-7226).
The team at FRLA remains vigilant in watching Ian and will continue to get you the latest information as we have it. Please also watch our website and Twitter account for the most recent updates from emergency officials.
Additional Resources: